Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Chapters 20-21

Chapter 20
1. What three fears does Victor have about this new creation?
2. What greater fear did Victor have when he gave the second creature to his first?
3. When the first creature looks through the window, what did Victor eventually do?
4. Where has the creature been while Victor was traveling to Scotland?
5. Why is it ironic that the creature calls Victor his slave?
6. Why does Victor say he will not keep his promise to his creature?
7. What does the creature say he will do to Victor?
8. How did the creature leave the place where Victor was?
9. Why did the creature manage to get away from Victor?
10. What had the creature said to Victor that caused Victor to be sad for Elizabeth?
11. Why is the following sentence particularly ironic? Victor is describing himself: “I walked about the isle like a restless spectre, separated from all it loved and miserable in the separation” (174). [Chapter 20 Five pages from the beginning]

12. What came for Victor that served as an impetus for him to leave his lonely island?
13. What did Victor do with the new creature he had destroyed and why?
14. Why do you think Victor is able to sleep soundly in the boat?
15. When Victor faces the fact that he may die on the sea, what greater horror occurs to him?

16. Where does Victor land and how do the people greet him?
17. Of what do the people accuse Victor ?
Chapter 21
1. What had the fisherman tripped over on his way home?
2. What about the fisherman’s story bothered Victor?
3. Why did the people say they had seen one boat with one man in it push off from that part of the shore and then return to almost the same place later on?

4. What conclusion had the people come to about Victor?
5. What causes Victor to become ill again, and what does he rave about during his illness?

6. What is the condition of the place in which Victor finds himself when he gets well?
7. What wish did Victor express?
8. Why is the treatment that Victor receives significant?
9. How had Mr. Kirwin shown kindness to Victor?
10. How did Mr. Kirwin learn of Victor’s innocence?
11. Why did Victor recoil in horror when he was told he had a visitor?
12. Why did Victor have to remain in prison after Mr. Kirwin realized he was innocent?

13. What prevented Victor from taking his life this time?
14. What caused Victor to live through his despair/
15. How did Victor feel about leaving Ireland and why?
16. What was his nightmare before his father awakened him on the boat?

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