Thursday, May 26, 2011

Review for Final Exam

English IV: Review for Final Exam

The Renaissance

Christopher Marlow: “The Passionate Shepherd to his love”297
Sir Walter Raleigh: “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd” 299
Robert Herrick: “To the Virgins to Make Much of Time”299
Shakespeare “Sonnet 29”314 and
“Sonnet 130”320
John Donne: “Death Be Not Proud”348
Ben Jonson: On My First Son”354
John Milton: “When I Consider How My Light Is Spent”415
Edmund Spenser: “Sonnet 75” 534

A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift

Major Works
Mary Shelley: Frankenstein

The Romantic Period

William Blake :
From Songs of Innocence
“The Lamb”723
“The Chimney Sweeper” 725
From Songs of Experience
“The Tyger”720
“The Chimney Sweeper” 727
“The Poison Tree” 731
William Wordsworth
“The World Is Too Much With Us” 745
Lord Byron: “She Walks in Beauty”794
Percy Bysshe Shelley: “Ozymandias”802
John Keats: When I have Fears”827
Alfred Lord Tennyson “Crossing the Bar” 989
Elizabeth Barrett Browning: “How Do I Love Thee” 914
Gerard Manley Hopkins: “Pied Beauty” 917

Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights

Literary Terms:

1. alliteration
2. allusion
3. antagonist
4. aphorism
5. apostrophe
6. blank verse
7. couplet
8. pastoral poetry
9. diction
10. epigram
11. epithet
12. First person
13. foil
14. foreshadowing
15. frame story
16. gothic
17. hyperbole
18. imagery
19. iambic pentameter
20. lyric poetry
21. irony
22. metaphor
23. meter
24. mood
25. octave
26. ode
27. overstatement
28. oxymoron
29. paradox
30. pastoral poetry
31. point of view
32. protagonist
33. quatrain
34. rhyme
35. rhythm
36. romance
37. Romanticism
38. sarcasm
39. satire (all devices of)
40. sestet
41. setting
42. simile
43. sonnet / Petrarchan
44. speaker
45. stanza
46. theme
47. tone
48. tragedy
49. understatement

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

WH to the End

Chapter 11
1. What upsets Nelly when she visits the Heights?
2. What does Nelly do after she sees Heathcliff kissing Isabella?
3. What happens as a result of this?
4. What does Heathcliff say Catherine has done to him and what is he going to do about it?
5. How does Catherine insult her husband in front of Heathcliff?
6. What uncharacteristic thing does Edgar do?
7. Why does Heathcliff leave the Grange without getting even with Edgar?
8. What decision does Catherine make after the trouble between her husband and her friend?
9. What does Edgar ask Catherine, and how does she respond?
10. Why is Nelly unconcerned about Catherine at first?how is Catherine behaving?
Chapter 12
1. After three days of fasting,what did Cathy say was happening to her?
2. How has Edgar spent the days in which Catherine stayed in her room?
3. What promise does Catherine make about Heathcliff?
4. What is Edgar’s reaction when he sees his wife?
5. How does he chide Nelly and he orders her never to do what?
6. What has become of Isabella?
7. Who do you think tried to hang Isabell’s dog?
Chapter 13
1. How long did Heathcliff and Isabella stay away?
2. What happened to Catherine while they were gone?
3. Who is the “mere ruin of humanity” to whom Dr. Kenneth
4. In spite of Catherine’s illness, there is some cause for hope. What is it, and why is it important to Edgar?
5. Why doesn’t Isabella leave Wuthering Heights?
6. How does Heathcliff treat her?
7. What is Hareton like?
Chapter 14
1. What does Heathcliff insist Nelly do?
2. Does Nelly think it is a good idea?
3. How does Heathcliff get Nelly to help him?
4. What is the “single pleasure” Isabella can imagine?
Chapter 15
1. Without being told, what does Heathcliff immediately know about Catherine?
2. What happens when they see each other?
3. How is their reunion marred? What tragedy follows?
Chapter 16.
1. What happens that night?
2. Does Nelly tell Heathcliff about Catherine’s death?
3. What does Heathcliff demand Catherine do?
Chapter 17
1. Why do you think Emily Bronte chose to have Isabella stop at Thrushcross Grange when she escaped from Heathcliff?
2. What story does Isabella tell about Hindley and Heathcliff and what was the result?
3. Why did Heathcliff throw a knife at Isabella?
4. What happened between Isabella and her brother after this?
5. What did Nelly say was the difference between Edgar’s coping with his wife’s death and Hindley’s coping with his?
6. What finally happened to Isabella?
7. What news did Dr. Kenneth bring to Nelly that disturbed her deeply?
8. Why do you think Joseph said he would have preferred it if he had gone for the doctor for Hindley?
Chapters 18-20
1. Who educated young Catherine Linton?
2. Where did Catherine spend the time during her first thirteen years?
3. Why did Mr. Linton have to leave Thrushcross Grange?
4. What did Isabella hope would happen to her son, Linton?
5. Where did Nelly find Cathy on the day she did not return home for tea?
6. Who was absent from Wuthering Heights on the day Cathy visited there?
7. How did Cathy insult Hareton?
8. What was Cathy’s reaction when she learned that Hareton was her cousin?
9. How did Nelly get Cathy to keep quiet about her trip to WH?
10. Who was returning with Mr. Linton after Isabella’s death?
11. Describe Linton Heathcliff?
12. Why did Joseph come to TG at about the time the people there would be going to bed?
13. What did Edgar tell Joseph about Linton on the night Linton arrived in TG?
14. Who accompanied Linton to WH?
15. What astonishing news did Linton get early the next morning?
16. What was Heathcliff’s reaction to his son?
17. Why does Heathcliff say he will not hurt Linton?

Chapters 21-22
1. How did the housekeeper of WH describe Linton to Nelly?
2. How does Heathcliff control himself and refrain from hurting his son?
3. Why didn’t they celebrate Cathy’s birthday at TG?
4. Whom did Cathy and Nelly meet when they were out looking for moor-game on Cathy’s sixteenth birthday?
5. Where did Heathcliff entice Cathy to go?
6. What surprise did Cathy find at WH?
7. Why did Linton say Cathy must come to WH rather than his going to TG?
8. Why didn’t Hareton tell Cathy what was written over the main door of WH?
9. Why did Edgar say he did not want Cathy’s going to WH?
10. What did Cathy give the milk-fetcher the next morning?
11. What did the milk-fetcher do for Cathy?
12. Why was Cathy distraught when she found her little drawer empty?
13. Why was Edgar unable to accompany Cathy on their evening walks?
14. When Cathy climbed over the wall to get her hat, whom did she meet?
15. What disturbing news did Heathcliff give Cathy?
16. Where were Nelly and Cathy going the next day at the end of Ch
Chapters 23-25
1. How does Linton respond to Cathy’s visit?
2. How did Linton like writing to Cathy?
3. What reason did Heathcliff give Linton for Cathy’s absence from WH?
4. Why did Cathy give Linton’s chair a push and cause him to cough terribly?
5. Why after Linton tells Cathy that he can’t bear listening to her does he say she must come again?
6. What happened to Nelly as a result of her wet journey to WH?
7. For how long was Nellie sick?
8. What had Catherine been doing secretly every night while Nelly was ill?
9. What did Cathy do when Hareton showed her what he had learned?
10. What did Linton do because Cathy had scorned him?
11. Whom did Linton tell Cathy had caused the fight with Hareton?
12. How did Edgar react to the truth of Cathy’s going to WH?
13. Under what condition did Edgar say he would be happy to allow Cathy marry Linton?
14. What was Cathy’s only way of keeping TG?
15. Who was Edgar’s heir?
1. How would you describe Linton this time?
2. How did Cathy enjoy her first visit with Linton?
3. Of whom or what was Linton terrified?
1. Why was Cathy annoyed that Linton did not excuse her from her visit to Him the following Thursday?
2. Why did Cathy go into WH when she knows her father did not want her to?
3. What did Heathcliff do when both Nelly and Cathy inside?
4. What did Cathy do to physically hurt Heathcliff?
5. How did Heathcliff react to Cathy’s biting him?
6. What did Linton say Heathcliff’s plan was?
7. What did Heathcliff say when Cathy said her father would be very grieved about her absence?
1. How long was Nelly kept at WH?
2. What did Linton tell Nelly about all of Cathy’s possessions?
3. What happened to Cathy’s locket?
4. How did Cathy escape?
5. Why was it a good thing that Cathy got home when she did?

1. Why had Heathcliff come to TG the evening after Cathy’s father’s funeral?
2. Why did Heathcliff say he could not let Cathy and Linton live at the G?
3. What did Heathcliff get the man who was digging Edgar’s grave do?
4. What did Heathcliff bribe the sexton to do when Heathcliff would also be buried?
5. What did Heathcliff say he had done on the night Catherine had been buried?
6. Why didn’t Heathcliff open Catherine’s coffin on the night she was buried?
7. What gave Heathcliff a sense of calm when he was in Catherine’s grave the night she was buried?
8. Why did Heathcliff say he could not sleep in Catherine’s bed after the funeral?

1. What does Zillah think about Cathy?
2. Who takes care of Linton?
3. Why does Heathcliff say he will not send for the doctor for Linton?
4. What had Linton written in his will?
5. What did Hareton do to help Cathy with books?
6. What was Cathy’s reaction to Hareton’s touching her hair?
7. What did Hareton ask Zillah to ask Cathy to do for him?
8. Why did Cathy say she had come downstairs?
9. Where does Lockwood intend to spend the next six months after January?
1. What was Lockwood’s opinion of the looks of both Hareton and Cathy?
2. Why did Hareton get Nelly’s letter before Cathy did even though it was meant for Cathy?
3. Why does Cathy say she cannot answer Nelly’s letter?
4. Of what did Cathy accuse Hareton?
5. What was Hareton doing with the books?
6. Why did Cathy not accept the books when Hareton gave them to her?
7. What did Hareton finally do with the books?


Chapter 8
1. What sad event and happy event happen within the first few pages of Chapter 8?
2. What is Hindley’s reaction to the tragedy?
3. How does Hindley treat Heathcliff now; what effect does it have on Heathcliff?
4. In what ways is Catherine leading a double life?
5. How would you describe Edgar?
6. What do you perceive as the real cause of Catherine’s childish behavior toward Nelly and her quarrel with Edgar?
7. What does Edgar decide to do even though Nelly tries to warn him?
Chapter 9
1. Who takes care of Hareton? What kind of father is Hindley? Be specific.
2. Why does Heathcliff regret saving Hareton’s life?
3. Why do you think Catherine confides in Nelly?
4. What part of Catherine’s conversation with Nelly does Heathcliff overhear?
5. Which part does he not hear?
6. What does Catherine think about her own decision?
7. What similes does Catherine use to describe her feelings for Linton as opposed to Heathcliff?
8. What are the results of Heathcliff’s leaving Wuthering Heights?
9. How do you imagine Catherine felt at the time of her wedding?
10. What happened as a result of the Lintons taking Catherine to recuperate in their house?
Chapter 1 Chapter 10
1. What is the change in point of view in the beginning of chapter 10?
2. How did Catherine adjust to married life?
3. What do you think was the cause of her depressed period?
4. Why does Nelly have difficulty recognizing the surprise visitor who visits the Grange?
5. How is he received by Catherine? by Edgar?
6. What do you think is the real reason why Heathcliff is staying at Wuthering Heights?
7. What complication develops regarding Isabella?
8. What is Catherine’s reaction to this complication?
9. What does Catherine tell Heathcliff she has told Isabella?

Friday, April 1, 2011


Chapter 4
1. What did Lockwood want Nelly Dean to tell him at supper that night?
2. Who did Mrs. Dean say the Catherine of W. H. was?
3. Who did she say was Hareton?
4. What did Mr. Earnshaw bring home from Liverpool one day?
5. Where did the dark young boy spend his first night in W.H.?
6. How did Hindley treat Heathcliff?
7. Why did Heathcliff cause problems in the household?
8. What caused Nelly Dean to feel more positive about Heathcliff?
9. What happened to Heathcliff’s horse?
10. What did Heathcliff make Hindley do about the horses?
Chapter 5
1. Who among the children was Mr. Earnshaw’s favorite?
2. Why did Mr. Earnshaw agree to send Hindley away to college?
3. What was Catherine’s personality like?
4. How did Catherine discover that her father had died?
5. Why didn’t Nelly Dean comfort Catherine and Heathcliff after Mr. Earnshaw’s death?
Chapter 6
1. When Hindley came home for his father’s funeral how did he surprise everybody at W.H.?
2. How did Hindley change the way the servants acted in his house after he became master?
3. What did Hindley order Heathcliff to do?
4. Why did Heathcliff and Catherine not mind the punishments they got for being mischievous?
5. Where did Heathcliff and Catherine go one day after they had been banished from the sitting room?
6. Why were the Linton children crying when H. and C. looked in their window?
7. Why did Cathy stay behind at Thrushcross Grange?
8. Why did the Lintons think Heathcliff was a ruffian?
9. What punishment did Heathcliff get for the escapade?
Chapter 6
1. Why did Catherine stay at Thrushcross Grange while Heathcliff was sent home?
2. According to Heathcliff, what are the Linton children, Isabella and Edgar, like?
3. What was Hindley’s reaction to Mr. Linton’s advice that he keep better track of his family?
4. Do you think Mr. Linton’s advice is possible and why?
Chapter 7
1. How has Cathy changed after her stay at the Grange?
2. Who was very upset about the change and why?
3. Nelly Dean tells Heathcliff, “Proud people breed sad sorrows for themselves.” Give an example of a situation where this would be true, or explain why you believe it is not true. Give an example from the literature we have read this year.
4. What advice does Nelly Dean give Heathcliff about improving himself?
5. What happens, almost immediately, to show that Heathcliff didn’t take Nelly’s advice very seriously?
6. What vow does Heathcliff make regarding Hindley?
7. Do you think it unusual that a servant would be as articulate as Nelly Dean is”? How does Bronte make this seem plausible?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wuthering Heights 1-3

Wuthering Heights
Chapter 1
1. How does Lockwood describe the Yorkshire section of England?

2. What makes Lockwood enter the gate, despite Heathcliff’s rudeness?

3. Whose name does Lockwood see carved into the threshold, and why can’t he ask about it?

4. What does Lockwood’s instinct tell him about Heathcliff’s reserved manner?

5. Why does Heathcliff leave Lockwood alone with his dogs?

6. What does Lockwood do to cause the dog to attack him?

7. How do Joseph and Heathcliff react to Lockwood’s cry for help?

8. What reasons does Lockwood give for deciding not to make a further issue about his attack?

9. What final impression does Heathcliff have of Lockwood?

10. Does Lockwood give a reason for wanting to visit again?

Chapter 2
1. Why does Lockwood decide to return to the Heights?

2. Who lets Lockwood into the house?

3. How does Lockwood make himself look foolish to the young woman in the kitchen?

4. How does Lockwood respond when she asks him if he has been invited to stay for tea?

5. Who does Lockwood at first assume the young lady to be?

6. What does Lockwood intend to do when he incorrectly assumes she is married to Hareton?

7. Who unexpectedly tries to accompany Lockwood home?

8. How is Cathy related to Heathcliff?

9. What causes Lockwood to run out of the house?

10. Who comes to Lockwood’s aid when he is again attacked by the dogs?

Chapter 3
1. What does Lockwood discover on the window ledge?

2. What is described in Catherine’s diary?

3. How does Catherine view Hindley and his wife?

4. What torments Lockwood during his first dream?

5. What wakens Lockwood from this dream?

6. Who begs to be allowed into the room?

7. How does Lockwood get free from the child’s grasp?

8. How many years has the child’s ghost been wandering?

9. What is Heathcliff’s reaction to Lockwood’s screams?

10. Why does Heathcliff raise his hand to Cathy?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Frankenstein to the end

Chapter 21
1. What had the fisherman tripped over on his way home?
2. What about the fisherman’s story bothered Victor?
3. Why did the people say they had seen one boat with one man in it push off from that part of the shore and then return to almost the same place later on?

4. What conclusion had the people come to about Victor?
5. What causes Victor to become ill again, and what does he rave about during his illness?

6. What is the condition of the place in which Victor finds himself when he gets well?
7. What wish did Victor express?
8. Why is the treatment that Victor receives significant?
9. How had Mr. Kirwin shown kindness to Victor?
10. How did Mr. Kirwin learn of Victor’s innocence?
11. Why did Victor recoil in horror when he was told he had a visitor?
12. Why did Victor have to remain in prison after Mr. Kirwin realized he was innocent?

13. What prevented Victor from taking his life this time?
14. What caused Victor to live through his despair/
15. How did Victor feel about leaving Ireland and why?
16. What was his nightmare before his father awakened him on the boat?

Chapter 22
1. What paradoxical feelings did Victor have about people and their company?
2. Why does Victor continue to keep his secret?
3. How does Victor’s father hear about what Victor has done?
4. What is Victor’s father’s reaction to the truth that he has heard?
5. What tentative conclusion has Elizabeth reached about Victor’s unhappiness?
6. About what did Elizabeth’s letter remind Victor, and what did he expect the creature would do?

7. What does Victor tell Elizabeth he will do on the day after their marriage?
8. Why was Victor denied the satisfaction of reveling in his grief?
9. Why did Victor face his wedding with courage?
10. With what mixed feelings did Victor await his marriage?
11. What happens after the ceremony is finished?
12. What does Elizabeth notice about nature as they near their destination?

Chapter 23
1. Why does Victor ask Elizabeth to go to bed before he does?
2. What horror occurred for Victor as promised on his wedding day?
3. Why does Victor want to return to Geneva as soon as possible?
4. Why is it ironic that Victor says “no creature had ever been so miserable as I was”?
5. What further sorrow awaited Victor after he returned to Geneva?
6. Why does Victor finally tell his story?
7. What does the magistrate promise Victor?
8. What does Victor commit the remainder of his life to doing?
9. What does the magistrate think of Victor’s story now?

Chapter 24.
1. What is the incentive that keeps Victor alive?
2. What promise does Victor make on his family’s grave?
3. Why do you think the creature is satisfied?
4. How does Victor know where the creature is going at all times?
5. Why does Victor think he was able to continue following the creature despite terrible torments?

6. How did the nights aid Victor in his pursuit?
7. When does Victor say he will give up his search?
8. How does Victor feel when he reaches the land of ice and snow?
9. Why were the villagers glad when the creature left them?
10. What gave Victor a burst of energy after one of his dogs had died and all seemed hopeless?

11. What promise does Victor ask Robert to give him?
12. What really convinced Robert of the truth of Victor’s tale?
13. What gives Victor some sense of peace as he relates his tale to Robert?
14. When does Victor say he will die?
15. Why does Robert grow frightened?
16. What realization does Robert come to about his men?
17. What part does Victor play in Robert’s life at this time?
18. Why was their ship in danger, and what did his men want Robert to do?
19. Why is Victor’s tirade to the sailors so completely unexpected? What does it tell about him?

20. What happens to Victor after his speech?
21. What is Robert’s decision and how does it differ from Victor’s?
22. Why does Victor relent and free Robert from any promise he may have enjoined on him?

23. What is Victor’s last bit of advice to Robert?
24. How does the creature react to Victor’s demise?
25. Why does Robert’s compassion turn to scorn?
26. What does the creature think of himself?
27. What does the creature say he will do after he leaves Robert?
28. Who is the monster? Do you feel any sympathy for Victor? For the Creature?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

FR Due Dates

Frankenstein: Reading Schedule February 17
February 17: The four letters in the beginning of the book
February 22: Chs. 1-3
February 24: Chapters 4-7
February 28: Chapters: 8-11
March 8: Chapters: 12-15
March 10: Chapters 16-18
March 14 Chapters: 19-21
March 16 Chapters: 22-23
March 18 Chapters: 24 End
Exam TBA