Friday, April 30, 2010

24-27 WH

Chapter 24
1. How does Nelly surprise Cathy when she returns from Wuthering Heights the night she is caught?
2. How did Cathy enjoy her nightly rendezvous?
3. What do the balls they find have inscribed on them?
4. What does Cathy tell Nelly about Hareton?
5. How does Hareton get his revenge on Cathy and Linton?
6. How does Cathy treat Hareton when he tries to apologise?
7. When Cathy goes to tell Linton she won’t visit him anymore, what is his response?
8. Were you surprised that after Cathy poured out her soul to Nelly and begged her not to keep her from visiting Linton, Nelly told Mr. Linton anyway?
9. Why do you think she made that decision? So you agree with her and why?
10. What compromise does Mr. Edgar Linton make?
Chapter 25
1. When does Nelly tell Lockwood these events had happened?
1. What does Nelly suggest to Mr. Lockwood, in a roundabout way?
2. Why do you think Nelly would want this?
3. What does Edgar think is happening to him?
4. Under what condition would Edgar allow Cathy to marry Linton?
5. Do you agree with Nelly that people who do their duty are always rewarded? Does this remind you of any other piece of literature we have read this year?
6. Why does Edgar say he will defer his visit to Catherine’s grave “a little Longer” when he has always gone to the grave on the anniversary of her death before this?
7. Why do you think Heathcliff is unwilling for Linton to call at TG?
8. Between Linton’s letters and Cathy’s cajoling, what agreement is finally reached regarding visits between them?
Chapter 26
1. What is Linton’s physical state on the first meeting with Cathy?
2. What is his mental/emotional state?
3. Why does Linton want Cathy to remain for another half an hour when he is so obviously not enjoying the visit?
4. What is he afraid of and why?
5. What deception is being practiced as far as Edgar is concerned?
6. Do you think they should tell him the truth?
Chapter 27
1. Why is Edgar willing to allow Cathy to visit Linton when Edgar is so ill himself?
2. W hy doesn’t Linton explain why he says he is a traitor to Cathy?
3. With what is Linton threatened if he does not bring Cathy back to the WH with him?
4. If Linton were healthy, how might he have responded?
5. How does Heathcliff prevent Cathy from getting the key away, once he has locked all of them in?
6. What is the worst thing about Cathy’s and Nelly’s being detained at the Heights?
7. How long is Nelly kept locked up? What happens during that time? What has Cathy been doing all the time?
8. What does Heathcliff tell Linton about Cathy’s possessions?
9. With what possession does Heathcliff prove Linton’s ownership?
10. Does what Heathcliff does remind you of an earlier scene

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

21-23 WH

Chapter 21
1. Who befriends Linton in Wuthering Heights?
2. Why do Edgar and Nelly have no celebration on Cathy’s birthday?
3. Why does Heathcliff want Cathy to see Linton?
4. How old is Cathy when she sees Linton again?
5. What plans does Heathcliff reveal to Nelly, and how would it affect Cathy?
6. Does Cathy seem to have any idea of what a villain Heathcliff is or what has gone on between her father and him?
7. Why does Heathcliff say Edgar does not like him?
8. What do you think Cathy feels when she realizes that a lot has been kept from her by both of these men?
9. Would it have been better if Edgar had informed her about the whole story?
10. In spite of Hareton’s being Hindley’s son, how does Heathcliff feel about him? How does Heathcliff treat Hareton?
11. Why do Cathy and Linton laugh at Hareton?
12. Why does Hareton refrain from hitting Linton?
13. What reason does Edgar give Cathy for Heathcliff’s behavior and why he kept the presence of Linton from her?
14. Since Cathy is forbidden to visit Linton again, what does she do?
15. What spoils her plan?

Chapter 22
1. How does Cathy act after her secret activities are curtailed?
2. What do you think is the real reason for her behavior?
3. How does Nelly exact a promise from Cathy that she will do nothing to cause worry to Edgar?
4. How does Heathcliff get Cathy to go to Wuthering Heights again?
5. What encounter brings about the next visit to Wuthering Heights?
Chapter 23
1. How did Linton feel about writing the letters to Cathy?
2. How does Linton feel about the inhabitants of W.H.?
3. About what do Linton and Cathy have a heated argument?
4. How does Cathy hurt Linton physically?
5. How does the visit with Linton go?
6. Does Linton’s plan to make Cathy feel guilty work out?
7. Where do you think

Monday, April 26, 2010

18-20 WH

Chapter 18
1. How many years does Nelly skip in her narrative
2. What is little Cathy like in appearance as well as in behavior?
3. What are the parameters of Cathy’s life?
4. Why does Isabella write to Edgar?
5. How does Cathy get out of Thrushcross Grange’s property?
6. Where does she go on her unauthorized pony ride?
7. Whom does she meet there and how does she insult him?
8. Who tells Cathy the identity of Hareton?
9. What does Nelly Dean think of Hareton?
10. How does Nelly get Cathy to promise she will not tell her father about their being in Wuthering Heights?
Chapter 19
1. Why is Cathy so excited about the arrival of her cousin?
2. What is Nelly’s first impression of Linton?
3. Does Linton disappoint her?
4. Why does Joseph visit Thrushcross Grange?
5. How long does Linton stay at the Grange?
Chapter 20
1. Who takes Linton to Wuthering Heights?
2. How does Heathcliff react when he first sees his son?
3. How does Heathcliff treat his son?
4. Why do you think Linton is so unsatisfactory according to his father?
5. For what reason does Heathcliff say he will treat Linton well

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chs.15-17 WH

hapter 15

1. Why is Nelly anxious about going out of the house at this time?
2. Why was Heathcliff able to visit Catherine since Edgar has forbidden him to do so?
3. Without being told, what does Heathcliff know about Catherine?
4. What happens when they see each other?
5. Why does Heathcliff say Cathy deserves what is happening to her?
6. How is their reunion marred, and what tragedy follows?
Chapter 16
1. What happens to Cathy in the beginning of chapter 16?
2. Why doesn’t Nelly tell Heathcliff about what has happened to Catherine’s?
3. What does Heathcliff demand Catherine do?
4. Before Cathy is laid to rest, what does Heathcliff do to her?
5. Where was Cathy laid to rest?
Chapter 17
1. Why do you think Emily Bronte chose to have Isabella stop at Thrushcross Grange?
2. What story does Isabella recount about Hindley, Heathcliff and herself?
3. What did Hindley do during Cathy’s funeral?
4. What did Hindley and Isabella do to Heathcliff on the night of Catherine’s burial?
5. What finally happened to Isabella?
6. What promise did Heathcliff make when he heard that Isabella had a son?
7. What happened to Hindley in this chapter?
8. What is Heathcliff’reaction to what happened to Hindley
9. What is Hareton’s financial position now that his father had died?
Chapter 18

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Chapter 12
1. After three long days of fasting, how is Catherine behaving?
2. What does Catherine sway she will do to Heathcliff around page 124?
3. For what two reasons is Edgar angry with Nellyin Chapter 12?
4. What happened to Isabella?
5. is Isabella being treated at WH? What horrible thing did Heathcliff do before he left TG?
6. What is Edgar’s reaction to Isabella’s elopement?
Chapter 13
1. How long did Heathcliff and Isabella stay away?
2. What happened to Catherine while they were gone?
3. What gave a note of hope in Ch. 13?
4. What does Isabella ask Nelly about Heathcliff?
5. How is Isabella treated at WH?
Chapter 14
1. What does Heathcliff insist Nelly do?
2. Does Nelly think it is a good idea?
3. How does Heathcliff get her to help him?
4. What does Heathcliff he would never do to Edgar as long as Catherine wanted him?
5. What is the single pleasure Isabella can imagine?

Friday, April 16, 2010


Chapter 10
1. What is the change in point of view in the beginning of chapter 10?
2. How did Catherine adjust to married life?
3. What do you think was the cause of her depressed period?
4. Why does Nelly have difficulty recognizing the surprise visitor who visits the Grange?
5. How is he received by Catherine? by Edgar?
6. What do you think is the real reason why Heathcliff is staying at Wuthering Heights?
7. What complication develops regarding Isabella?
8. What is Catherine’s reaction to this complication?
9. What does Catherine tell Heathcliff she has told Isabella?
Chapter 11
1. What upsets Nelly when she visits the Heights?
2. What does Nelly do after she sees Heathcliff kissing Isabella?
3. What happens as a result of this?
4. What does Heathcliff say Catherine has done to him and what is he going to do about it?
5. How does Catherine insult her husband in front of Heathcliff?
6. What uncharacteristic thing does Edgar do?
7. Why does Heathcliff leave the Grange without getting even with Edgar?
8. What decision does Catherine make after the trouble between her husband and her friend?
9. What does Edgar ask Catherine, and how does she respond?
10. Why is Nelly unconcerned about Catherine at first?

Mini Research paper

Find two articles about Emily Bronte. These must be accessed from the data bases in the Louisville portal. Highlight the section you intend to paraphrase and underline or use another color to point out the section you are going to quote directly. Make sure you have all your citation information. due Mon/Tues

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chapters 8-9

Chapter 8
1. What sad event and happy event happen within the first few pages of Chapter 8?
2. What is Hindley’s reaction to the tragedy?
3. How does Hindley treat Heathcliff now; what effect does it have on Heathcliff?
4. In what ways is Catherine leading a double life?
5. How would you describe Edgar?
6. What do you perceive as the real cause of Catherine’s childish behavior toward Nelly and her quarrel with Edgar?
7. What does Edgar’s decide to do even though Nelly tries to warn him?
Chapter 9
1. Who takes care of Hareton? What kind of father is Hindley? Be specific.
2. Why does Heathcliff regret saving Hareton’s life?
3. Why do you think Catherine confides in Nelly?
4. What part of Catherine’s conversation with Nelly does Heathcliff overhear?
5. Which part does he not hear?
6. What does Catherine think about her own decision?
7. What similes does Catherine use to describe her feelings for Linton as opposed to Heathcliff?
8. What are the results of Heathcliff’s leaving Wuthering Heights?
9. How do you imagine Catherine felt at the time of her wedding?
10. What happened as a result of the Lintons taking Catherine to recuperate in their house?

Monday, April 12, 2010

WH 4-7

Ch 4.
1. What did Lockwood ask Nelly Dean to do for him each night?

2. Who is Hareton and what is his position in Wuthering Heights?

3. How did Heathcliff come to be living in the Earnshaw’s house?

4. How did Heathcliff differ from Hindley and Catherine when they were all sick?

5. Why did Heathcliff want Hindley’s horse?

Ch 5.
1. Which was Mr. Earnshaw’s favorite child?

2. Why does Hindley go away to school?

3. What about Catherine causes her father to have little patience with her?

4. What happens to Mr. Earnshaw in this chapter, and how does life at Wuthering Heights change as a result?

5. Who comforts Catherine and Heathcliff after they realize what has happened?

Ch 6.

1. Who accompanied Hindley home when he came home for the first time?

2. How did Hindley change the servants’ situation in the household?

3. Why was Catherine kept at Thrushcross Grange?

4. Why was Heathcliff sent away from Thrushcross Grange?

5. Why was Heathcliff disgusted at Linton children?
7. How did Mr. Linton make matters worse for Catherine and Heathcliff the next day?

Ch 7.
1. How long was Catherine away from Wuthering Heights?

2. How had Catherine changed because of her stay at Thrushcross Grange?

3. Why did Catherine laugh at Heathcliff, and what was Heathcliff’s reaction?

4. What did Mrs. Linton say about her children’s visiting Cathy?

5. Why was Heathcliff ordered from the living room after Edgar and Isabella Linton arrived?

6. What did Heathcliff do to Edgar, and why?

7. What does Heathcliff promise himself he will do at some time in the future

Poetry Assignment due Apris 16/ 19

Assignment: You are to write a poem, or poems of at least fourteen lines long. You may write one poem that has fourteen lines if you wish, but you may also write seven couplets or three quatrains and a couplet which are about completely different topics.
Poetry Choices
1. Describe a place you knew in childhood that was important to you. Begin with any of the following: setting, a time, a metaphor, some comparison, a question, an exclamation, or an image.
2. Write a poem that is about a color.
3. Write about your sixth sense, your intuition, in writing about something hidden or mysterious or unspoken or hard to understand.
4. Make a list of things you are able to do. Is there something you do that is different or interesting? Write about it. It really does not have to be anything unusual. You could write about brushing your teeth in the morning.
5. Write a “how to” poem, giving instructions on how to do something or how to get somewhere. It does not have to make sense; use your imagination and have fun.
6. Try to see what you cannot see, in particular the inner life of a human being or another creature. Try to envision what it would be like to be that person or thing. How about the following: your desk in school, a blade of grass, your cell phone etc. . . .
7. Write about something you dislike: a person, place, thing or activity. You might think of something you would normally shun or exterminate, like a roach, or snake or a weed. Try and see what are its merits, does it have any purpose, and does it have any beauty, or simply write about how disgusting it is.
8. Write a poem in which you incorporate the following words: bruise, horse, milk, reason, and bride.
9. Make a list of things: subjects, objects, feelings, and images that you don’t think belong in a poem. Then write a poem about one of them.
10. If you think poems need to be pretty and about beautiful things, try writing one that rejects the conventionally beautiful things, try writing an anti-poem. Remember Shakespeare’s sonnet “My mistress eyes are nothing like the sun.” You might write about a can opener, and use harsh words to convey a sense of gritty realism.
11. You may write a poem of your own choosing. I am requiring at least fourteen lines.