Monday, March 29, 2010

Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights Vocabulary:
1. misanthropist 2. impertinence 3. prudential 4. sagacity 5. asseverated 6. curate 7. soliloquized 8. tacit 9. laconic 10. taciturn 11. lachrymose 12. vociferated 13. penetralium 14. physiognomy 15. churlish 16. miscreants 17. querulous
18 culpable 19. sundry 20. dispatch 21 assiduity 22. vapid 23. vindictive 24 execrations

These questions are to be asnwered in writing. This assignment will be worth 10 points:

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Chapter 1
1 . How does Lockwood describe the Yorkshire section of England?
2 What makes Lockwood enter the gate, despite Heathcliff’s rudeness?
3. Whose name does Lockwood see carved into the threshold, and why can’t he ask about it
4. What does Lockwood’s instinct tell him about Heathcliff’s reserved manner?
5. Why does Heathcliff leave Lockwood alone with his dogs?
6. What does Lockwood do to cause the dog to attack him?
7. How do Joseph and Heathcliff react to Lockwood’s cry for help?
8. What reasons does Lockwood give for deciding not to make a further issue about his attack?
9. What final impressions does Heathcliff have of Lockwood?
10. Does Lockwood give a reason for wanting to visit again?
Chapter 2
1 . Why does Lockwood decide to return to the Heights?
2. Who lets Lockwood into the house?
3 . How does Lockwood make himself look foolish to the young woman in the kitchen?
4. How does Lockwood respond when she asks him if he has been invited to stay for tea?
5. Who does Lockwood at first assume the young lady to be?
6. What does Lockwood intend to do when he incorrectly assumes she is married to
7. Who unexpectedly tries to accompany Lockwood home?
8. How is Cathy related to Heathcliff?
9. What causes Lockwood to run out of the house?
10. Who comes to Lockwood’s aid when he is again attacked by the dogs?
Chapter 3
1. What did Lockwood see on the walls around his bed in W. H.?
2. How did Lockwood find out about the life of Catherine Earnshaw?
3. What caused Lockwood to scream in the middle of the night?
4. How long did Catherine say she had been roaming the moors?
5. How did Heathcliff know that Lockwood was sleeping in that bed?
6. What did Heathcliff do when Lockwood left the room?
7. How did Lockwood see Heathcliff treat his daughter in law?
8. Who accompanied Lockwood as far as Thrushcross Grange Park on his way home?

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