Friday, April 30, 2010

24-27 WH

Chapter 24
1. How does Nelly surprise Cathy when she returns from Wuthering Heights the night she is caught?
2. How did Cathy enjoy her nightly rendezvous?
3. What do the balls they find have inscribed on them?
4. What does Cathy tell Nelly about Hareton?
5. How does Hareton get his revenge on Cathy and Linton?
6. How does Cathy treat Hareton when he tries to apologise?
7. When Cathy goes to tell Linton she won’t visit him anymore, what is his response?
8. Were you surprised that after Cathy poured out her soul to Nelly and begged her not to keep her from visiting Linton, Nelly told Mr. Linton anyway?
9. Why do you think she made that decision? So you agree with her and why?
10. What compromise does Mr. Edgar Linton make?
Chapter 25
1. When does Nelly tell Lockwood these events had happened?
1. What does Nelly suggest to Mr. Lockwood, in a roundabout way?
2. Why do you think Nelly would want this?
3. What does Edgar think is happening to him?
4. Under what condition would Edgar allow Cathy to marry Linton?
5. Do you agree with Nelly that people who do their duty are always rewarded? Does this remind you of any other piece of literature we have read this year?
6. Why does Edgar say he will defer his visit to Catherine’s grave “a little Longer” when he has always gone to the grave on the anniversary of her death before this?
7. Why do you think Heathcliff is unwilling for Linton to call at TG?
8. Between Linton’s letters and Cathy’s cajoling, what agreement is finally reached regarding visits between them?
Chapter 26
1. What is Linton’s physical state on the first meeting with Cathy?
2. What is his mental/emotional state?
3. Why does Linton want Cathy to remain for another half an hour when he is so obviously not enjoying the visit?
4. What is he afraid of and why?
5. What deception is being practiced as far as Edgar is concerned?
6. Do you think they should tell him the truth?
Chapter 27
1. Why is Edgar willing to allow Cathy to visit Linton when Edgar is so ill himself?
2. W hy doesn’t Linton explain why he says he is a traitor to Cathy?
3. With what is Linton threatened if he does not bring Cathy back to the WH with him?
4. If Linton were healthy, how might he have responded?
5. How does Heathcliff prevent Cathy from getting the key away, once he has locked all of them in?
6. What is the worst thing about Cathy’s and Nelly’s being detained at the Heights?
7. How long is Nelly kept locked up? What happens during that time? What has Cathy been doing all the time?
8. What does Heathcliff tell Linton about Cathy’s possessions?
9. With what possession does Heathcliff prove Linton’s ownership?
10. Does what Heathcliff does remind you of an earlier scene

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