Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Chapter 28
1. What happens during that time? What has Cathy been doing all the time?
2. What does Heathcliff tell Linton about Cathy’s possessions?
3. With what possession does Heathcliff prove Linton’s ownership?
4. Does what Heathcliff does remind you of an earlier scene?
5. After learning of the events at WH, what decision does Edgar make?
6. How did Edgar Linton die? How did Cathy escape from WH? Does this surprise you?

Chapter 29
1. What does Cathy say to Heathcliff about revenge?
2. What does Heathcliff happily tell Nelly about?
3. Why does Heathcliff say he wished Edgar Linton “had been soldered in lead”?
4. Why does Heathcliff take one side off Catherine’s coffin?
5. What supernatural events does Heathcliff relate?
6. Do you think now that Lockwood’s nightmare was more than just a dream?
7. What kind of life awaits Cathy at WH?
Chapter 30
1. What is the source of most of the information in Chapter 30?
2. How does Zillah compare to Nelly Dean in the area of compassion?
3. What document does Heathcliff show to Cathy after Linton’s death? How is this possible?
4. What is Cathy’s financial position at this time?
5. What fairly minor character is now becoming more important?
6. What is his attitude toward Cathy?
7. Of whom does Cathy remind you of in the way she treats Heathcliff and anyone else who crosses her?
8. “Thus ended Mrs Dean’s story” brings us back t hat part of the novel? What month is it now?

Chapter 31
1. Who returns as chief narrator in Chapter 31?
2. What takes him to WH?
3. What does Nelly Dean send with him and who intercepts it??
4. What can you infer from his subsequent actions?
5. Of what does Cathy accuse Hareton? What is his reaction?
6. How does Mr. Lockwood come to Hareton’s defense?
7. What does Lockwood mean by “He is not envious but emulous of your attainments.”?
8. What is bothering Heathcliff about Hareton?
9. When Lockwood returns from London, how much time has passed and what surprise does he get at TG?

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